Monday, July 25, 2011

Juliar Gillrudd

This is not on anything specific that the whining whingy voiced, pointy nosed, fat arsed Ranga bitch has done or said.

This is just a personal attack from me....I F***EN CANT STAND YOU!!!!!

You have fu**ed up everthing you have ever fu**en touched....from cash for clunkers (what a fucken joke), through TO boat people (lets fucken swap 1 for 5, fucken imbecile), and on to carbon tax to save the planet (the biggest wealth redistribution scam in history)

Monday, July 11, 2011

A Retarded Government

A note that was sent to me which explains that the six leading members of the Government,
From Mr. Rudd down, the top six have a collective work experience of 181 years, but only 13 in the private sector.

If you take out of those 13 years the number that were spent as trade union lawyers, that total 11,
Of the 181 years, only two years were spent in the private sector.

So out of those 181 years:

- no years spent running their own business
- no years spent starting their own business
- no years spent as a director of a family business or a company
- no years as a director of a public company
- no years in a senior position in a public company
- no years in a senior position in a private company
- no years working in corporate finance
- no years in corporate or business restructuring
- no years working in or with a bank
- no years of experience in the capital markets
- no years in a stock-broking firm
- no years in negotiating debt facilities with banks
- no years running a small business
- no years at the World Bank or IMF or OECD
- no years in Treasury or Finance.

But these people have plunged Australia into unprecedented debt, and now threaten to torpedo employee share schemes, which they plainly don't understand.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

They are just never fucken happy

The conclusion: The Arabs are not happy!!!

· They are not happy in Gaza.
· They are not happy in the West.
· They are not happy in Jerusalem.
· They are not happy in Israel. (There is no equality)
· They are not happy in Egypt.
· They are not happy in Libya.
· They are not happy in Algeria.
· They are not happy in Tunis.
· They are not happy in Morocco.
· They are not happy in Yemen.
· They are not happy in Iraq.
· They are not happy in Afghanistan.
· They are not happy
· They are not happy in Syria.
· They are not happy in Lebanon.
· They are not happy in Sudan.
· They are not happy in Jordan.
· They are not happy in Iran.

Where are the Arabs happy?

· They are happy in England.
· They are happy in France.
· They are happy in Italy.
· They are happy in Germany.
· They are happy in Sweden.
· They are happy in Holland.
· They are happy in Belgium.
· They are happy in Norway.
· They are happy in the U.S..
· They are happy in Romania.
· They are happy in Hungary.

They are happy in any other country in the world that is not under a Muslim rule.

And whom do they blame?

· Not Islam.
· Not their leadership.
· Not themselves.

But the same countries in which they are happy to live. This is so true ..... Democracy is really good for them :

In a democracy they can live comfortably, enjoy the high quality of life which they did not build and work for, they don’t have to be productive and earn a living, they can be wild, pray in the street and break the law, rape, exploit the social services, bite the hand that feeds them, in short .... they are leeches.

And by the time the free world wakes up, it will be too late ....

Monday, June 13, 2011

Juliar Gillrudds Carbon Tax

What sort of a moronic retarded fucken ranga is this woman? A fucken carbon tax? What the fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lets look at a few simple things (so everyone that voted for this fucken Government understand!)

1. A fucken carbon tax will have zero (thas also the IQ of these Labor Party fuckwits), thats right, zero impact on Global Warming, oooops, sorry, I meant Climate Change! Do u know why? Other than Climate change not really existing, how the fuck does the man in the street paying more for fucken everything actually reduce carbon emmissions?

2. A bit more in Climate Change. We have 200 years of data available re rainfall, temperature etc. The earth has been around for a few million years. So "scientists" and I use that term very fucken loosely, are using 0.00000000000000001% of the data and come up with this fucked up notion that the planet is warming, or fucken cooling or whatever.Fucken imbeciles.........and they say "the science is in"....what a fucken bunch of alarmist propaganda.

3. Rememebr a few of these classic old chestnuts from the past? Killer bees........In the 70s swarms of killer bees were charging down from Mexico or somewhere and where going to devistate the planet. Governments panicked, spent money, nothing happened, and everyone forgot about it. The ozone hole....same thing...what the fuck happened to that? The Y2K bug, the biggest joke of the century. Does anyone remember acid rain? Thats another Government sponsored fucken classic......and now we have this fucken nonsense!

4. While we are at it, can someone tell me how the last ice age ended? Did the ice melt due to the cavemen driving around in their V8 Holdens, or was it the fault of the coal fired power stations that the Neanderthals used in order to power their condominiums?

5. Watch out for next year, 2012, when the planets align. No doubt the fucken scientist wankers will panic all and sundry into believing that the aligning of the planets will cause a disruption to the earths manetic fields and so we must have Government sponsored magnets (read- taxpayers money) inserted into your heard it first from The Cranky Old man!

I tell you what. This fucken crap has been going on for years. The ruling elite!?!?! panic the minions in Society who agree to more taxes that will "fight" these as yet unseen and definately unproven boogy monsters, in order to save the planet. Its just a way to keep "sheeple" in a perpetual state of fear.

This Fucken Juliar Gillrudds feet will not touch the ground at the next election....and good fucken riddance

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Political Bastardry!

On the 18th of August 1966 at Long Tan , Vietnam ,

D Company of the 6th Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment,

mainly made up of Australian National Servicemen

and at that time located to support the American Army,

fought a battle against the Viet Cong.

In this action D Company lost 18 men killed and 24 injured.

The Viet Cong dead numbered in excess of 245.

The Australian lines were never crossed.

The Viet Cong withdrew.

American President Johnson and US Army Staff recognised the achievement

by awarding the Unit Citation of Gallantry on 30th May 1968.

The Award was formally accepted by Queen Elizabeth in 13th June 1968.

Prime Minister John Gorton made the formal presentation

of this American Citation to the Battalion

at Lavarack Barracks,Townsville on 18th August 1968.

On the 31st of March 2010,

D Company of the 6th Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment

were belatedly awarded the Australian version of

"Unit Citation for Gallantry" (UCG)

honouring their extraordinary deeds at Long Tan.

The Government however refused to approve travel payment

for the surviving Unit Members or their families,

including the families of deceased Unit Members,

in order that they be present at the

UCG Presentation Ceremony

presided over by the Governor General of Australia .

In February 2011 the same Government of Australia

footed the Funeral Bill to bury the illegal boat people,

who tragically perished on Christmas Island .

This included flying surviving family illegals and survivors

to and from Sydney and Xmas Island ,

accommodating them, etc etc,

plus a Coach tour of Sydney thrown in.

The Canberra Polit Bureaux had waited 45 years

to publicly acknowledge the bravery and sacrifice

of these Sons of Australia

and then immediately Shit on their memory

by wetting themselves

to appease the feelings of boat illegals

forcing their entry into our country.

Now we witness, what can only be described as,

attempted political face saving,

by this same Government,

sponsoring a TV Documentary,

to celebrate our Armed Forces accomplishments

at Kapyong , Korea in 1951.

This will see our Prime Minister and the entire Priministerial Entourage

fly in a RAAF plane to Korea to mark this 60th Anniversary.

What Bloody Hypocrisy!!!

What a Blatant Affront to the feelings

of our Nation's serving Armed Forces,

Past and Present.

Shame, Shame, Shame,

You Political Parasites.

You do not deserve to represent our country.

Monday, April 18, 2011

More on Global Warming wankers

I saw a report the other day that said something along the lines that Hobart had the most rainfall recorded in one day for a hundred years (gasp, horror, its climate change)

Hang on you fucken morons, that means that a hundred years and one day ago it had rained more

Same goes when we hear that some outback place has had the highest temperature recored in 75 75 years and 1 day ago, it was fucken hotter!

And fucken tell me, how the fuck did the dinosaurs die? Apparently an ice age came through. So, if we werent burning fossil fuels to make electricity and run cars, how the fuck did the ice melt? There werent any fucken power stations around then!

Fucken climate change wankers. It gets cold in winter, hot in summer....get fucken used to it!

Insurance claims...the other side of the story

This is an article I recently read.
I will not say I agree or disagree, but it may shed some light on the current feelings out there.

“FIRST comes the chilling horror of the catastrophe. A nation is gripped with numbing terror as a child is wrenched from his mother's arms in the flood.

Up north a cyclone bigger than Katrina blows away homes and crops.

Across the Tasman our neighbours' beautiful, historical city is torn asunder. As the ground shakes, dark forces hurl the church spire like a javelin while hundreds of townsfolk are buried in a cement sepulchre.

Suffer the little children buried in tiny white coffins.

With the grieving comes a craving for statistics in a futile attempt to explain the inexplicable.

Each disaster is different but a journalist's questions remain the same. How many dead? Any survivors' tales?

Then, after the personal stories are told, the blame game begins.

Why weren't we warned? Did the state cause the flood by holding back and not releasing water sooner? Why weren't we warned? How come amateur forecasters were hours ahead of the weather bureau in foretelling the Lockyer Valley calamity?
Into this emotional mix comes the insurance companies. They are the latest whipping boys.

This is unfair in my view, especially now we are all atheists and the concept of "act of God" is foreign to us.

Surely someone is to blame? If there is a cadaver under the rubble there must be a liability.

If my house is wrecked by a falling tree, I want compensation. I'll phone my solicitor immediately.
Our compensation culture demands someone be held responsible.

I'm already getting tired of people blaming the insurance industry for their woes. In this I include people who should know better, such as the Prime Minister and the Premier.

Community leaders urging insurance companies to go easy on insurance claims are missing the point and creating dangerous, unreal expectations. Insurance is a business like any other. If I owned shares in companies like QBE or Suncorp (I don't) I wouldn't want assessors being pressured into giving away my money to people not entitled to it. It would be improper and bad for business
If you aren't covered for flood, you aren't covered. This doesn't mean insurance industry workers are crooks.

A few years back the Insurance Council of Australia came up with a flood definition but the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission said it was anti-competitive and knocked it down.

There are other problems.

If insurance companies relax the rules and give away money, they may go broke. That won't do policyholders any good.

Insurance is all about risk. Life is full of risks; some we must hold on to alone and some we can offset by buying insurance coverage.

If I choose to live in a flood-prone area and cannot buy insurance, I take a risk. With global warming the risk is getting greater. Don't blame the insurance workers. Insurance companies are bending over backwards to pay claims.

David Muir, of HWL Ebsworth Lawyers in Brisbane, is a respected insurance solicitor who sits in a glass CBD tower overlooking the river that brought much of the damage.

Muir believes politicians are "bashing insurance companies" for political gain.
He said "If political pressure is brought to bear on insurance companies to pay claims that are not covered then some insurers, particularly overseas insurers, may withdraw from the insurance market in Australia altogether. After all, we represent about 1 per cent of the insurance market in the world and overseas insurance markets will be nervous enough as it is about doing business in Australia with all the natural catastrophes. If politicians are not careful they could cause an insurance vacuum in Australia they will have to fill."

He added: "There are differences in flood definitions among some contracts of insurance. However, by and large, if a building is inundated by water, following a river breaking its banks, then I am sure most people will recognise, as a matter of common sense, it is a flood.

"Some insurance companies may even pay claims when there is an element of stormwater involved even though they don't have to.

"There is a legal principle handed down in the Court of Appeal in England some decades ago which allows insurance companies to correctly, as a matter of law, deny claims in those circumstances."

Longreach-born Muir, who set up Crime Stoppers and was a long-time state president of Amnesty International, is a director of the Foodbank charity.

Interestingly, he notices a difference in disaster responses in city and country. "The people in the bush don't get kerbside collection," he said. "They mend their own fences, they clean each other's houses after flood. Pulling together is a bush trait that is undervalued in the city."

Are we also creating a nanny state where people choose not to buy insurance cover because they know they will get a government handout anyway?”

Whether you agree or disagree, it is important to get a balance in the argument

Thursday, March 10, 2011

so true

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Global arse!

I didn't realize how bad things have become......

The Arctic ocean is warming up, icebergs are growing scarcer and in some places the seals are finding the water too hot, according to a report to the Commerce Department yesterday from Consulafft at Bergen, Norway. Reports from fishermen, seal hunters and explorers all point to a radical change in climate conditions and hitherto unheard-of temperatures in the Arctic zone. Exploration expeditions report that scarcely any ice has been met as far north as 81 degrees 29 minutes.
Soundings to a depth of 3,100 meters showed the gulf stream still very warm. Great masses of ice have been replaced by moraines of earth and stones, the report continued, while at many points well known glaciers have entirely disappeared.

Very few seals and no white fish are found in the eastern Arctic, while vast shoals of herring and smelts which have never before ventured so far north, are being encountered in the old seal fishing grounds.

Within a few years it is predicted that due to the ice melt the sea will rise and make most coastal cities uninhabitable.

There's more......

Oops! Never mind. This report was from November 2, 1922, as reported by the Associated Press and published in the Washington Post - 88 years ago!

Monday, February 7, 2011

The New GillRudd Ripoff

While the majority of Australians would overwhelmingly agree that helping flood
affected areas in Queensland – and soon Victoria – is essential, the process of creating a “special flood levy” by Julia Gillard is yet another demonstration of her government’s detachment from reality and their eagerness to snatch cash to bolster their faltering budget predictions.

Quite simply a levy (ie a tax) is not necessary.

The reason? The Federal Budget already contains a Contingency Fund that can be used for national disasters.

This amount is currently $5 Billion. But the government refuses to use this money.

Why? Because they are saving it for a contingency.

Sounds a bit loopy? Well it is, these are politicians talking. They are saying if we use the contingency fund to help rebuild we won’t have any money left for national contingencies?


Other areas where funding can be obtained are:

-Foreign Aid.

We spend over 2 Billion per year giving money to regimes that pocket
most of it and allow very little to filter through to the people who need it.

Charity begins at home.

Cut foreign aid and use the money to assist our own people! No one in their right mind (except those corrupt foreign government officials who are siphoning funds to their Swiss Bank accounts) will object.

-The National Broadband Network.

$40 billion.

The entire concept is a crock.

Private industry will provide this service anyway, so cancel it and implement a $20 billion nation wide program of flood mitigation. This can include diverting water to where it’s needed AND developing hydro electric schemes that will provide clean energy.

And the government will be ahead by $20 Billion.

But no, a flood mitigation program would require dams to be built and the greenies don’t want dams.

The Gillard Government is scarred stiff of the Greenies led by Bob Brown, so
watch to see how the government ducks and weaves when it’s suggested more dams be

In Queensland Anna Bligh has already put in motion the mechanism to discredit the
effectiveness of the Wivenhoe Dam and any future dam building program. These gutless
2 wonders will go to any length to avoid rocking the Bob Brown Boat. Brown has already ramped up his anti-dam campaign with a series of press releases slamming any proposals to use dams for flood mitigation – much of his information is the usual “sky is falling in” distorted emotional drivel designed to intimidate in the usual greens’ fashion.

-The “Refugee” Program.

Already Australia is spending hundreds of millions of dollars
housing “refugees” and “asylum seekers”.

The reason is that the Gillard Government
refuses to implement sensible measures to discourage these illegals, as had the previous government.

Turn the boats around, export the “refos” and put the funds towards national
reconstruction instead of supporting a refugee gravy train that simply attracts more
illegals like bees to a honey pot.


We have a number of programs just burning money. Scrap the plagued and
overly expensive Joint Strike Fighter program.

We do not need fighter aircraft that are expected to cost $120 million each and is expected to set us back around $5 billion for fighters that will only be used in air shows.

-Withdraw from Afghanistan.

Our troops are continually being exposed to unnecessary danger because of the inability of Defence (DMO) to provide the correct equipment, plus the government will not provide the direct support elements (such as gunship helicopters, artillery, etc) needed for our troops to operate correctly.

Instead our defence chiefs put up a façade of claiming that these elements are adequately catered for by other nations.

This is a lie – these elements ARE NOT in direct support and are NOT ORGANIC.

Therefore because the government will not provide those essential support elements and our troops are expected to fight under ridiculous Rules of Engagement (remember that soon there will be a Courts Martial encouraged by Gillard in an effort to tarnish the ANZAC image by putting on trial three soldiers) we should pull our troops out and save another $2 billion per year.

-Even the FUTURE FUND has enough left in it to finance a national rebuilding program.

If investing in the future by rebuilding after floods isn’t the intention of this fund, then it should be. Or will we see the same warped “yes minister” logic as being used to avoid using the Budget Contingency Fund?

Watch for developments and some distorted rationalisation on this one.

There’s plenty more areas where money can be re-allocated.

Readers will undoubtedly think of more.

Apart from this, we all know the Gillard Government is hopelessly
incompetent in the way it will dispense funds. We can be certain that much of it will be filtered off to plug holes in the budget and very little will get to where it’s needed.
We all need
to speak up on this and other issues where Gillard and her cronies are
taking us all for yet another ride.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Show us the money!

How does this work ?
-Indonesia $458,700.00 million
-Papua New Guinea $457,200,00 million
-Solomon Islands $225,700..00 million
-Afghanistan $123,100.00 million
-Vietnam $119,800.00 million
-Philippines $118,100.00 million
-East Timor $102,700.00 million
-Cambodia $64,200.00 million
-TOTAL = $ 1,669,000,000.00 (yeah folks that's right) - given away in 52 weeks!!!
...but wait there’s more. ·

Australia provides approximately 150,000 tonnes of food aid every year—about $65 million—to Bangladesh, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Sudan and Chad·
In 2010-2011 the Australian Government plans to spend almost $4.4 billion on development assistance·

In 2008 the Australian community contributed $812.19million to non-government organizations

And now Gillard will give $500,000,000.00 for Indonesia’s Islamic schools which are largely moderate in outlook but there have been pockets of radicalism that have produced terrorists in Indonesia, most notably the cleric Abu Bakar Bashir’s school in Ngruki, central Java, where some of the Bali bombers studied before they bombed the nightclubs and killed Australian tourists.

SO….. Ask your local member how come 2011 Queensland flood victims only get $1 million ?



Sunday, January 16, 2011

Is this Bozo for real?

Greens leader says blaming Queensland coal companies for floods not opportunistic.
Monday, 17/01/2011
Australian Greens Leader Bob Brown has defended his party's stance that Australia's coal industry contributed to the floods in Queensland and should pay more for the recovery.

Hang a couple of testicle from this mans chin and call him a fucken dickhead!

I have never heard such a lot of fucken crap in my entire life............The Coal Industry is responsible for the Floods? Fuck me, I thought the rain was!

Next he will be saying that Earthquakes in NZ are a byproduct of fucken Japanese whaling!

He is a dead set fucken wanker. And a very dangerous one. Gone are the days where the Greenies were tree hugging, kaftan wearing hippies that were intent on saving green tree frogs. These wankers have an agenda that will cripple the average person.

Dont let them get into power, or have control because we will be stuck with so many additional fucken taxes, we will be fiscally fucken crippled.

I tell you what Bob- Put on some Indian mood music, get your thongs and kaftan on, light the bong up.......AND FUCK OFF!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

QLD Pool Fencing....the new nanny state law

Pool laws expensive January 6th, 2011

Rental property owner Alison Conrad is not able to rent her property until her backyard pool fence is compliant with the new rules.
TENANTS face eviction and landlords will be left without income as controversial new swimming pool laws begin to affect the Gold Coast rental market.
Unit complexes, private home owners and sellers have a grace period to comply with the laws introduced on December 1 but landlords of properties with pools must have a safety certification before leases can be signed or renewed.

The Nanny State morons are at it laws so we can have the last of our money sucked out through our arsehole!

I bought my house 7 years ago and my pool fence met all safety these fucken retards have moved the goal posts so that every man and his dogs pool fence is non compliant and we have to pay through the fucken ring piece to have them checked and fixed up


Im sorry kids have drowned in pools, but thats not my problem.....because I have taught my kids and grandkids how to fucken swim!

Kids also get backed over in driveways...........ooooh, lets fucken fence driveways.
Kids get scalded pulling pots of stovetops.....quick, lets fucken get a fence around the kitchen!
Kids put things in power lets put a little fence around them!

Fuck it, lets just imobilise all children under 12 so they cant fucken die or hurt themselves.

These new fucken laws are a joke, similar to the Nanny State Labor Government that has foisted them onto us all.

Teach your kids to fucken swim or stay the hell out of my pool!

Fundraisers...where does the money go?

I'm all for the Salvos.
My Dad said that during the war he didn't see hide nor hair of any of the other charities but the Salvos were always there with a hot cuppa and some Saos.
I dont know how factual this is but it is an interesting read so I will let you to make up your own mind.
If only the government would listen but they are too busy killing off our farmers now and importing what we should be growing from overseas.

We're "broke" thanks to the labor government & can't help our own Seniors, Troops, Orphans, Homeless etc.
In the last few months we have provided aid to Haiti , Chile , and Turkey ,Greece , Pakistan, Indonesia
Our pensioners living on a 'fixed very poor income' receive no aid or get any breaks while our
government and religious organizations pour hundreds of Millions of $$$$$$'s and Tons of Food to Foreign Countries!

We have thousands of adoptable children who are shoved aside to make room for the adoption of foreign orphans, all because of our government and their foreign policies

AUSTRALIA, a country where we have homeless without shelter, children and adults going to bed hungry, elderly going without 'needed' medication, and mentally ill without treatment -etc,etc.
They are requesting donations for the people of Pakistan

FUCK THE PEOPLE OF PAKISTAN.......look after our own first!!!!
TV stations, ships and planes lining up with food, water, tents, clothes,bedding,
doctors and medical supplies..
All the things our homeless could better use in this country
Imagine if the *GOVERNMENT* gave 'US'
the same support they give to other
Imagine where the millions of $$$$$$ could be spent if we rejected or sank the boat people we don't want in Australia.
Wouldn't even have to sink one, just a near miss would stop them
Sad isn't it?
Now read on


Interesting............ ever wonder where that donation money goes?
Keep these facts in mind when "donating".
As you open your pocketsfor yet another natural disaster, keep the following facts in mind;
Ihave listed them from the highest (worse paid offender) to the lowest(least paid offender).
The worst offender was yet again for the 11th year in a row is..........

-UNICEF -CEO,receives $1,200,000 per year, (plus use of a Rolls Royce for his exclusiveuse where ever he goes, and an expense account that is rumored to be wellover $150,000.) Only pennies from the actual donations goes to the UNICEFcause (less than $0.14 per dollar of income).

-The second worst offender this year is Marsha J. Evans, President and CEOof the American Red Cross...for her salary for the year ending in 2009 was$651,957 plus expenses. Enjoys 6 weeks - fully paid holidays including all related expenses during the holiday trip for her and her husband and kids......... including 100% fully paid health & dental plan for her and her family,
for life.
This means out of every dollar they bring in, about $0.39 goes to related charity causes.

-The third worst offender was again for the 7th time was, Brian Gallagher,President of the United Way, receives a $375,000 base salary (U.S. funds),plus so many numerous expense benefits it's hard to keep track as to what it is all worth, including a fully paid lifetime membership for 2 golf courses(1 in Canada, and 1 in the U.S.A.), 2 luxury vehicles, a yacht club membership,3 major company gold credit cards for his personal expenses...and so on. This equates to about $0.51 per dollar of income that goes to charity causes.

-Fourth worst offender who was also again in the fourth spot, for every year since this information has been made available from the start 1998 is amazingly,yet again,World Vision President (Canada). He receives $300,000 base salary, (plus supplied -a home valued in the $700,000 - $800,000 dollar value range, completelyfurnished,completely paid all housing expenses, including taxes, water/sewer,telephone/fax,HD/high speed cable, weekly maid service and pool/yard maintenance, fully paid private schooling for his children, up scale automobile and an $55,000 personal expense account for clothing/food, with a $125,000 business expense account).Get this, because it is a "religious based" charity, it pays, little to no taxes, can receive government assistance and does not have to declare were the money goes.Only about $0.52 of earned income per dollar is available for charitycauses.

-Of the sixty some odd "charities" we looked at, the lowest paid (President/C.EO/Commissioner) was heading up a charity group in Canada. We found, believe it or not, it was...................
Ready for this..
..........I think you might be surprised...
It is, none other than.................
The Salvation Army's Commissioner, Todd Bassett receives a salary of only $13,000 per year (plus housing) for managing this $2Billion dollar organization. Which means about 93c per dollar earned,is readily available and goes back out to local charity causes...trulyamazing..and well done "Sally Anne"

No further comment is necessary..."Think Twice" before you give to yourCharity of choice as to which one really does the best for the most - or the least for the most, for that matter.

Remember charity starts at home.
Look after the people of this country.
Deport those who are not prepared to live under the laws of this land. In particular......... MUSLIMS.
This is a Christian country where we don't stone our women or hide them under bags. C
onform or get out before we throw you out.
We will not be changed like Europe and England.
Heed the warning and conform or get out before your thrown out!!!!