While the majority of Australians would overwhelmingly agree that helping flood
affected areas in Queensland – and soon Victoria – is essential, the process of creating a “special flood levy” by Julia Gillard is yet another demonstration of her government’s detachment from reality and their eagerness to snatch cash to bolster their faltering budget predictions.
Quite simply a levy (ie a tax) is not necessary.
The reason? The Federal Budget already contains a Contingency Fund that can be used for national disasters.
This amount is currently $5 Billion. But the government refuses to use this money.
Why? Because they are saving it for a contingency.
Sounds a bit loopy? Well it is, these are politicians talking. They are saying if we use the contingency fund to help rebuild we won’t have any money left for national contingencies?
Other areas where funding can be obtained are:
-Foreign Aid.
We spend over 2 Billion per year giving money to regimes that pocket
most of it and allow very little to filter through to the people who need it.
Charity begins at home.
Cut foreign aid and use the money to assist our own people! No one in their right mind (except those corrupt foreign government officials who are siphoning funds to their Swiss Bank accounts) will object.
-The National Broadband Network.
$40 billion.
The entire concept is a crock.
Private industry will provide this service anyway, so cancel it and implement a $20 billion nation wide program of flood mitigation. This can include diverting water to where it’s needed AND developing hydro electric schemes that will provide clean energy.
And the government will be ahead by $20 Billion.
But no, a flood mitigation program would require dams to be built and the greenies don’t want dams.
The Gillard Government is scarred stiff of the Greenies led by Bob Brown, so
watch to see how the government ducks and weaves when it’s suggested more dams be
In Queensland Anna Bligh has already put in motion the mechanism to discredit the
effectiveness of the Wivenhoe Dam and any future dam building program. These gutless
2 wonders will go to any length to avoid rocking the Bob Brown Boat. Brown has already ramped up his anti-dam campaign with a series of press releases slamming any proposals to use dams for flood mitigation – much of his information is the usual “sky is falling in” distorted emotional drivel designed to intimidate in the usual greens’ fashion.
-The “Refugee” Program.
Already Australia is spending hundreds of millions of dollars
housing “refugees” and “asylum seekers”.
The reason is that the Gillard Government
refuses to implement sensible measures to discourage these illegals, as had the previous government.
Turn the boats around, export the “refos” and put the funds towards national
reconstruction instead of supporting a refugee gravy train that simply attracts more
illegals like bees to a honey pot.
We have a number of programs just burning money. Scrap the plagued and
overly expensive Joint Strike Fighter program.
We do not need fighter aircraft that are expected to cost $120 million each and is expected to set us back around $5 billion for fighters that will only be used in air shows.
-Withdraw from Afghanistan.
Our troops are continually being exposed to unnecessary danger because of the inability of Defence (DMO) to provide the correct equipment, plus the government will not provide the direct support elements (such as gunship helicopters, artillery, etc) needed for our troops to operate correctly.
Instead our defence chiefs put up a façade of claiming that these elements are adequately catered for by other nations.
This is a lie – these elements ARE NOT in direct support and are NOT ORGANIC.
Therefore because the government will not provide those essential support elements and our troops are expected to fight under ridiculous Rules of Engagement (remember that soon there will be a Courts Martial encouraged by Gillard in an effort to tarnish the ANZAC image by putting on trial three soldiers) we should pull our troops out and save another $2 billion per year.
-Even the FUTURE FUND has enough left in it to finance a national rebuilding program.
If investing in the future by rebuilding after floods isn’t the intention of this fund, then it should be. Or will we see the same warped “yes minister” logic as being used to avoid using the Budget Contingency Fund?
Watch for developments and some distorted rationalisation on this one.
There’s plenty more areas where money can be re-allocated.
Readers will undoubtedly think of more.
Apart from this, we all know the Gillard Government is hopelessly
incompetent in the way it will dispense funds. We can be certain that much of it will be filtered off to plug holes in the budget and very little will get to where it’s needed.
We all need
to speak up on this and other issues where Gillard and her cronies are
taking us all for yet another ride.
Monday, February 7, 2011
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