Monday, June 13, 2011

Juliar Gillrudds Carbon Tax

What sort of a moronic retarded fucken ranga is this woman? A fucken carbon tax? What the fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lets look at a few simple things (so everyone that voted for this fucken Government understand!)

1. A fucken carbon tax will have zero (thas also the IQ of these Labor Party fuckwits), thats right, zero impact on Global Warming, oooops, sorry, I meant Climate Change! Do u know why? Other than Climate change not really existing, how the fuck does the man in the street paying more for fucken everything actually reduce carbon emmissions?

2. A bit more in Climate Change. We have 200 years of data available re rainfall, temperature etc. The earth has been around for a few million years. So "scientists" and I use that term very fucken loosely, are using 0.00000000000000001% of the data and come up with this fucked up notion that the planet is warming, or fucken cooling or whatever.Fucken imbeciles.........and they say "the science is in"....what a fucken bunch of alarmist propaganda.

3. Rememebr a few of these classic old chestnuts from the past? Killer bees........In the 70s swarms of killer bees were charging down from Mexico or somewhere and where going to devistate the planet. Governments panicked, spent money, nothing happened, and everyone forgot about it. The ozone hole....same thing...what the fuck happened to that? The Y2K bug, the biggest joke of the century. Does anyone remember acid rain? Thats another Government sponsored fucken classic......and now we have this fucken nonsense!

4. While we are at it, can someone tell me how the last ice age ended? Did the ice melt due to the cavemen driving around in their V8 Holdens, or was it the fault of the coal fired power stations that the Neanderthals used in order to power their condominiums?

5. Watch out for next year, 2012, when the planets align. No doubt the fucken scientist wankers will panic all and sundry into believing that the aligning of the planets will cause a disruption to the earths manetic fields and so we must have Government sponsored magnets (read- taxpayers money) inserted into your heard it first from The Cranky Old man!

I tell you what. This fucken crap has been going on for years. The ruling elite!?!?! panic the minions in Society who agree to more taxes that will "fight" these as yet unseen and definately unproven boogy monsters, in order to save the planet. Its just a way to keep "sheeple" in a perpetual state of fear.

This Fucken Juliar Gillrudds feet will not touch the ground at the next election....and good fucken riddance

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